Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My 6th Blog Post in September

Today is Sept 29. There are 2 days left in September. For those of you keeping track, I’ve posted 5 times so far this month, and had set a goal to post 9 times in my blog in September. So---here’s NUMBER 6!! Along with a *note* that my blog posts might be “binging” like an arcade for the next 30 hours or so. I will try to keep them brief, so as not to overwhelm my “readers” …as well as helping to maintain my focus on another JOYFUL project… the construction of my *new* online *store*!!

…And all the glorious details that go along with it. (And there are a LOT of details!!)

This is my *first* online shop (although I’ve been making and selling Jewelry for more than 5 years, and Paper Arts & Calligraphy for more than 20 years!!)

I’m very excited about all of it… And I can’t wait to share more!!

See you again soon…


Saturday, September 25, 2010

A lotta JOY goin' on around here

There's a whole lotta JOY goin' on around here these days... I've been making a series of *handmade* journal books (literally "tearing into" a large collection of incredibly joyful papers that I've been stashing for years!!) that I'm anxious to share... More jewelry including a spectrum of hand-hammered metal (which is a joyful activity in itself!!) spirals in sterling silver & copper... And... In addition to all that flurry of joyful activity, we are now *fully involved* in the construction of my new *online shop* (more info coming real soon!!)

Chris is busy photographing pieces of my work, downloading & uploading photos, technically coordinating *every* detail... Our kitchen has been turned into a "photo-studio" with the table saturated in lights, props and cords (running all over the place!!) A laptop on the center island serves as "command central" (at least until dinner time... hmmm... maybe we should go out!! ;)

We're writing descriptions, a bio and shop profile... Listing materials and policies... Filling in items as we go along (and, as I finish up "just a few more things" from my work tables!!)

It's a "Joyful Creative Flurry" of activity... And, I'd love to post more "relevant" photos right now, but I must wait until a camera is "available!!" (Even my phone is in use right now--providing us with movement inspiring music while we work.)


Monday, September 20, 2010

A glimpse of JOYFUL action... Captured to share

The past few days, I've been working on an exciting new project in my studio. This morning--when I walked in and turned on the light... I was *taken* with the sight of countless *JOYFUL* projects arranged all over my "big" drawing table (and covering most of my "small" drawing table, too!!) *Bliss* Richly textured, colorful, vibrant, pleasant, inviting *Bliss*

Usually, my "big" drawing table is reserved for current "Administrative" projects, because it's situated close to my computer desk (which is small--and needs to borrow some surface area from it's neighboring table!!)

Friday afternoon, around 5:00, I "clocked out" of my day job... and turned off my computer until Monday morning. My mission was to dig into a new project. It was hard to spend time inside with the *gorgeous* weather we've been having---but I knew I really wanted to get some work done... Get some work "OUT" of my mind, and onto the page... into the pages of a SERIES of new (handmade) books, actually!!

So--I decided to spend some time outdoors--absolutely... And to also enjoy some "quality time" inside, in my studio. And, today, I feel good :) Passionate production... Playful processes... Prolific plethora... P-p-p-p-pretty JOYFUL to me!!

Following Up on Intentions

Sometimes it seems like there are some items that just keep getting put on that "To Do" list, repeatedly, because they still aren't done yet (or they still haven't been started!!!!!!) This is something I have struggled with for a long, long time!! Sometimes, we just gotta push ourselves to get started... And sometimes we gotta keep on pushing until we actually DO get started... and keep working at it... and, soon, we can check that project off as being "DONE" :)

A few months ago, I posted about "Intentions" (with the intention of posting on my progress, as a follow up.) Well... I am ***thrilled*** to report that I made some *VERY*GREAT*PROGRESS* during the next couple months--finishing up some very important projects, and working on some others. This has brought me **MUCH**JOY** indeed, and has also "made room" (both literally and figuratively) for some other work I've been wanting to do.

Perhaps I will post more in the future on the process of these "clearing" projects in the past... But for NOW... I will move on to the PRESENT... And what a gift it is :)

(...stay tuned for some info on "current events" in my studio!!)

Joyfully shared,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nine is the number today

Today is the 9th Day of the 9th Month of the Year.

Which is pretty cool.

In that spirit, I am creating a *goal* to
post in my blog *9 times* in September.

Which relates directly to my recent general
desire to *post*more*often* here in my blog.

(This now makes it a SPECIFIC goal)
(Which is also a very *joyful* goal.)

Here’s to a *creative*joyful*productive* month of NINE :)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

left brain*right brain*multi-tasking*food prep*crazy day

Today, in addition to my "usual" work that’s often done remotely, I "launched" a new management system that I designed for virtual inner-office-communication for my “day job”... As I also did a lot of "other" work... Wrote a newsletter article I was asked to do promoting "creative" pursuits... Cleaned up the kitchen that was out of control from days of neglect... Did some laundry, watered the garden & took some photos... and, SOMEWHERE, in the middle of all this, I totally BURNT lunch… Yep, smoke detector went off and everything… Because I left the room while perhaps having *too*much*going*on*already, yet wanted to balance my checkbook for some reason, right then, and just had to go back to my computer, while the stove was on!! (***NOTE: this is NOT recommended!!***)

So, why am I writing about this HERE, you may ask?!
Well, another thing I worked on today was writing/finishing up a few entries for my blog… They’re ready to go, all except for photos. I can’t believe that Summer is on it’s way out, or that it is September already. I have been doing a lot of “Creating for Joy” that I’d love to share here, in addition to a follow-up post to the one I wrote about “Intentions” a couple months ago. (*hint* I’ve been making good progress!!)

So, now that the smoke has cleared (literally!!) from today, and I have a few moments, I’m posting *this* right now… because we all know how long “someday” may take if we don’t get started right now... (And, we also know that I’ve been having “issues” with photos!!) So, again, I will just get started, right now…

Joyfully shared,

(NOTE: I took these photos on a Mid Summer walk... With my iPhone camera (which is the only camera I can independently get photos out of right now!!)