Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lots of *JOYFUL* things this Fall...

I took this photo last year, but it tells a story... That the season of Fall is here again, the leaves are on it's way to these colors again, and I've been looking through some old photos again...

Although I haven't *blogged* in a while, I'm very happy to report that I've been working on a lot of very *JOYFUL* things going on here... Photos (hopefully) coming (very) soon!! :)

Working on some new jewelry, including some old favorite styles & some new favorite designs!! Production is going well on items, but there's a hold up in my photographing operation here... Which explains why there aren't many *new* photos being posted right now!!

I've set up a Facebook page... And begun adding photos from my Archives... Please visit my page... * CreatingForJoy * I'd *Love* it if you'd click that you *Like* it...

Scheduling Home Parties, Classes & Shows for this Fall... And looking forward to a very *JOYFUL* Holiday season...

Re-organizing some things in my Etsy Shop... And coordinating the introduction of some new sections of work... Please check it out and let me know what you think...

Thanks for your interest in my work... And for sharing my joy!!

- Dawn 


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