Tuesday, December 21, 2010
'Tis the SEASON!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December Special - 25% off until Dec 25
Monday, November 29, 2010
*** CYBER MONDAY & TUESDAY *** 40% off Sale ***

Photos of Me (Dawn) !!

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cyber Monday & Tuesday ***SALE***
Thursday, November 25, 2010
40% OFF anything at my Etsy Shop - Thurs Fri Sat

Happy Thanksgiving to All of my Friends & Family!!
Let’s begin the Holiday season with a *JOYFUL* sale!!
*** 40% OFF anything at my Etsy Shop—Thursday & Friday & Saturday ***
Good for any number of items you purchase. Free shipping, too.
Please share the offer with all of Your Friends & Family!!
***Use the coupon code below when placing an order at my Etsy Shop--
Gratefully sent with best wishes for a happy, healthy, safe Holiday Season.
Dawn Conover
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Joyful Progress

Monday, November 22, 2010
I've been working on photos...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The JOY of photographing my work
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sweet New Items & Sweet New Prices
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thank you ALL for your participation!!
* Joyful Survey Request Re: Earrings *
Friday, October 29, 2010
**FREE GIFT w/Any Purchase** for the first 50 orders
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
* Joyful Survey Request * & FREE GIFT to be won!! *
* Your Participation is requested in a (brief) Joyful Marketing Survey *
*** To anyone who wears ***Silver Colored Earrings***
* Everyone who responds to the survey will be entered in a drawing to win a FREE GIFT!! *
*** To anyone who wears ***Silver Colored Earrings ***
1. Do you prefer “Sterling Silver” or “Surgical Steel” or "both" ? (or another metal?)
2. Is this metal preference due to "allergies/sensitivities" or "prices" or "both" ? (or "other"?)
3. Do you prefer “Earwires” (similar to the ones in the photo) or “Posts” or “Both” ? (or “Another Style”?)
*** Please respond here at my blog, on my Facebook page, or by email/message. Survey is open to ANYONE—can be friends, family, co-workers, associates, whomever!! * Respond anytime until 6 pm on Friday. Drawing for the FREE gift will be held once all the results are compiled, and will be done very diplomatically, of course, with the results and winner announced immediately. The gift will be YOUR CHOICE of a few selected items from my CreatingForJoy shop. Thank you all for your JOYFUL participation!!!! ***
* The story behind this survey: I have been making & selling Jewelry for over 5 years, using ONLY "Sterling Silver" ear-wires. However, I have considered, many times, offering "Surgical Steel" ear wires as an alternative. Many people prefer one or the other (if given these 2 choices,) and I'd love to know how you feel about these 2 choices!! It's also a great opportunity for a "Joyful Giveaway" (remember my mission... "to create, share and enjoy"...) *
Thanks again,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Recent Joyful Events !!
Recent Joyful Events @ *CreatingForJoy* that I am pleased to share...
I opened my new shop on Etsy... * CreatingForJoy * Featuring Joyful Jewelry & Paper Arts.
The first 2 "Collections" of my work (called "Sections" in Etsy-speak) that I listed are: *Joyful Gems* & *Joyful Medley* (both of these are Jewelry Collections.)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dawn’s CreatingForJoy at Etsy
With Great *JOY* I Announce...
My *New* Online Shop...
CreatingForJoy at Etsy
Rather than wait for a “Grand Opening” like originally planned, I’ve decided to OPEN THE DOORS and officially INVITE YOU ALL TO VISIT my new CreatingForJoy Online Shop at Etsy!! I am so anxious to share it all, yet the process of building this shop is taking longer than I had originally anticipated (particularly the photos!!) I’m still adding more “Opening Inventory, so please keep checking back in. And, of course, let me know what you think of my place so far.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy 10-10-10 Day!!!!
10 Things that Bring Me Joy
1. Chris/Family/Friends
2. Sunshine
3. Avocadoes
4. Music
5. Words
6. Art/Craft/Design
7. Colors
8. Harmony
9. Comfort
10. Home
What are some things that bring YOU joy??
Friday, October 1, 2010
Number 9 of 9 in September

Honoring Post Number Nine, I am listing:
9 things that are bringing me JOY right now
1. I’ve posted in my blog 9 times this month, reaching my goal of that
2. I’ve begun the construction of my new online store
3. I’m listening to my favorite radio station (wxpn)
4. It’s raining pretty hard outside, but I’m nice and dry inside
5. Chris made popcorn earlier and I saved some for a snack tomorrow
6. Today, I got a (much needed!!) haircut (and I colored my hair!!)
7. Tomorrow, I have plans with some of my favorite girls
8. I’m very grateful for wonderfully encouraging friends & family
9. I love my work, my studio, and “CreatingForJoy”
Some synonyms for *JOY* ...
Some synonyms for *JOY* ...
Products & Descriptions & Photos
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My 6th Blog Post in September

Today is Sept 29. There are 2 days left in September. For those of you keeping track, I’ve posted 5 times so far this month, and had set a goal to post 9 times in my blog in September. So---here’s NUMBER 6!! Along with a *note* that my blog posts might be “binging” like an arcade for the next 30 hours or so. I will try to keep them brief, so as not to overwhelm my “readers” …as well as helping to maintain my focus on another JOYFUL project… the construction of my *new* online *store*!!
…And all the glorious details that go along with it. (And there are a LOT of details!!)
This is my *first* online shop (although I’ve been making and selling Jewelry for more than 5 years, and Paper Arts & Calligraphy for more than 20 years!!)
I’m very excited about all of it… And I can’t wait to share more!!
See you again soon…
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A lotta JOY goin' on around here

Monday, September 20, 2010
A glimpse of JOYFUL action... Captured to share

Following Up on Intentions

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Nine is the number today

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
left brain*right brain*multi-tasking*food prep*crazy day

Today, in addition to my "usual" work that’s often done remotely, I "launched" a new management system that I designed for virtual inner-office-communication for my “day job”... As I also did a lot of "other" work... Wrote a newsletter article I was asked to do promoting "creative" pursuits... Cleaned up the kitchen that was out of control from days of neglect... Did some laundry, watered the garden & took some photos... and, SOMEWHERE, in the middle of all this, I totally BURNT lunch… Yep, smoke detector went off and everything… Because I left the room while perhaps having *too*much*going*on*already, yet wanted to balance my checkbook for some reason, right then, and just had to go back to my computer, while the stove was on!! (***NOTE: this is NOT recommended!!***)

So, why am I writing about this HERE, you may ask?!
Well, another thing I worked on today was writing/finishing up a few entries for my blog… They’re ready to go, all except for photos. I can’t believe that Summer is on it’s way out, or that it is September already. I have been doing a lot of “Creating for Joy” that I’d love to share here, in addition to a follow-up post to the one I wrote about “Intentions” a couple months ago. (*hint* I’ve been making good progress!!)

So, now that the smoke has cleared (literally!!) from today, and I have a few moments, I’m posting *this* right now… because we all know how long “someday” may take if we don’t get started right now... (And, we also know that I’ve been having “issues” with photos!!) So, again, I will just get started, right now…
Joyfully shared,
(NOTE: I took these photos on a Mid Summer walk... With my iPhone camera (which is the only camera I can independently get photos out of right now!!)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Intentions... Confessions... Solutions...
It’s the last day of June 2010… ALREADY… And I’m feeling the desire to post on my *BLOG*… My “plans” for this year included “intentions” to post on this BLOG much more than I have so far. Hmmmm… There’s that word: “INTENTIONS.” It is a magical word, and yet a word that can seem so hard to coordinate productive truths (and results) from sometimes.
For a long time, I have collected “intentions.” I’ve collected them in boxes, in piles, in projects… In materials, in supplies, in relationships… They’ve become clutter in more ways than literal… Obstacles in more ways than figurative… Pot holes in more spots than a roadway after a long, cold, snowy season can tally…
Certainly there have been times in my life when I’ve been pretty efficient at cleaning things up and orchestrating good progress and completion of some of these “intentions”… Other times the solutions have presented themselves in the form of true gifts… And there have also been times when I’ve struggled so much and felt overwhelmed and upset with it all (along with being very upset with myself for letting things go.)
At this time, I would like to “broadcast” an INTENTION: I want to sort out, clean up and complete the projects and business and clutter that I’ve been avoiding/neglecting for some time… Decide what matters most, how to handle it, and/or whether or not to let it go… And then DO it!!!!
And, of course, I will continually remind myself of some of the reasons to do all of this… Which includes creating the time, space & ability to practice “Creating for Joy” :)
Thanks for sharing my journey!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Out of the Box...!!

About a week or so ago, my jewelry pliers (finally) came out of the box...!! Since we've moved, I've used "other" pliers, but not my "main collection" that I use mostly for jewelry done in my studio... My pliers seemed just as happy as I was, carefully unpacking them from their constricted transportation/storage box... I'm sure we will all be much happier to get moving again, producing some nice new stuff :)

The week before that, things all came together, furniture-wise. That felt really good, as it had been a struggle to fit all the pieces that I wanted to be in the room, and to keep each working "zone" as logical and condusive as possible. It all came together at some point with a *CLICK* when I brought in a bookcase that wasn't really needed in the living room, but would fit in the (otherwise "awkward") corner of my studio "nook"... Because of the slanted wall along that side of the room, I turned the bookcase (with a slanted top on it) around to face the wall, letting the back of it face the work area. The shelves are still accessible from the open side, and the back of it can now be used as a bulletin board... (see photo above)

Little by little, things are getting "out of the box" and it's "all coming together"... You may have noticed that there does not seem to be much going on in terms of creative projects themselves within my studio space yet... And you are RIGHT!!

It seems like most of the *color* in here right now is in a few storage containers here and there!!

Of course, most of my storage containers, and furniture, too, are pretty *neutral* in color... Kind of like most of my clothes!! Because, as much as I *LOVE* color, and I love to use color in my work, I really *LOVE* the feeling of wearing, and being surrounded by, neutrals. I think it makes me feel more *grounded.* ;)
Thanks for visiting my new studio, and my blog... I look forward to sharing more soon...
- Dawn :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
We've Moved... Now---Back to Blog

Well, well, well... I haven't posted in my blog here in many, many weeks!! Probably the biggest reason for that is that I MOVED!! (well, to clarify: my *residence* moved, the blog didn't move!! ;) I was working on pieces to post here for my "100 Pieces" challenge, but I was having trouble getting photos posted. At the same time, Chris and I were painting and preparing the new place to move into... Packing, sorting, packing... And at some point, the "photo station" and lights, etc, had to be uprooted... and all the precious works in progress (and finished works) had to be carefully packed up...
Then there was a lot of: Moving, moving, moving...
(see above photo -- this was the back of moving truck #2 -- Chris was driving the U-Haul truck, and I was following along in my Jeep -- notice the Bethlehem Steel Stacks in the background... For those of you who aren't familiar with the Lehigh Valley, those are very large distinct landmark structures!!)
Out of the Lehigh Valley... a bit more South now, but still in Pennsylvania.(We both enjoyed living in Bethlehem very much, but we also enjoy our new location very much... And, we are closer to my family now, which is really nice :)
Then there was more moving stuff... Unpacking, sorting, stacking... More unpacking, sorting, stacking... (Still unpacking, sorting, stacking...)
And then we had **several snow storms** spread over a relatively short period of time... And, low and behold, somewhere in between shovelling and unpacking... We set up our **space** a little more, unpacked a few more treasured **items**, had a couple of really nice **meals**... And everything really started to feel more like * * * H O M E * * *
So... Now it's time to get back to some ***Creating for Joy!!*** I have, of course, done many "creative" things in the past few months, and I will write about some of those things here... Also, there are some new "creative" things I want to do, and share here, too... *****Here are just a few things that I really want to do:
1. I want to learn to be "photo-posting-independent." Taking photos is easy for me (okay, they may not be the BEST possible photos, but I can do it pretty good!!) The trouble I have is getting them thru my computer and onto THIS page here... I can do it from my iphone camera, but not from my "big" camera. So, that is a big thing on my list to do. It's mostly a "technical" thing, I think.
2. I want to take **better** photos. (Which means learning how to use different settings on my camera, working with lighting, etc.) This one may be a lifelong pursuit, and that's okay. I would be really happy to learn more... Taking photos of my own work, as well as photos of people, nature, architecture, etc.
3. I want to continue posting work that I've "created", and to finish the "100 Pieces" Design Challenge that I was working on before.
4. I'd like to post other things I've "created" as well--including new work and archives.
5. I want to post more regularly on my blog, and DEFINITELY post more **photos**!!!!
... and many more things ... which I look forward to sharing here ...
Thanks for reading this--I'm so grateful to have a place to share!!
- Dawn :)