I'm happy to say that I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the photographic process... Particularly the COLORS are seeming much more life-like in the shots I've captured tonight--in the kitchen, with the big, big photo lights...
These lights are so bright, I don't even want to look at them!! So, I wear *sun-goggles* that are probably suitable to wear while skiing on a bright sunny day. But, I'm wearing them in the house. With bright lights that produce enough heat to make it seem like you're on the beach during summertime. It's like experiencing a whole *spectrum of seasons* at once!!

As you can imagine, it'd be a *funny* photo to post of me doing all of this--maybe I will one day. Chris said tonight, as I was wearing those big sunglass goggles, that I reminded him of Andy Warhol. Hmmm, I guess that was meant as a compliment... But that's another story... The main thing is that I am *enjoying* taking photos of my work a little bit more this week. And I believe that the (particularly the color in the) photos are coming out a bit better, too, which makes me even happier.
*Oh*how*I*look*forward*to... the day I feel as *happy* with my photos of my work as I do with my work itself!!
Until then... I will continue to *click* and *crop* as much as I need to...
Joyfully yours,
Dawn.. they look great! Do you use a lightbox? Natural light always seems to work best for me!
Thanks Cathy!! I do use a lightbox when indoors with electric lights. I like to use natural light when I can. Do you use a lightbox with natural light?
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