It’s the last day of June 2010… ALREADY… And I’m feeling the desire to post on my *BLOG*… My “plans” for this year included “intentions” to post on this BLOG much more than I have so far. Hmmmm… There’s that word: “INTENTIONS.” It is a magical word, and yet a word that can seem so hard to coordinate productive truths (and results) from sometimes.
For a long time, I have collected “intentions.” I’ve collected them in boxes, in piles, in projects… In materials, in supplies, in relationships… They’ve become clutter in more ways than literal… Obstacles in more ways than figurative… Pot holes in more spots than a roadway after a long, cold, snowy season can tally…
Certainly there have been times in my life when I’ve been pretty efficient at cleaning things up and orchestrating good progress and completion of some of these “intentions”… Other times the solutions have presented themselves in the form of true gifts… And there have also been times when I’ve struggled so much and felt overwhelmed and upset with it all (along with being very upset with myself for letting things go.)
At this time, I would like to “broadcast” an INTENTION: I want to sort out, clean up and complete the projects and business and clutter that I’ve been avoiding/neglecting for some time… Decide what matters most, how to handle it, and/or whether or not to let it go… And then DO it!!!!
And, of course, I will continually remind myself of some of the reasons to do all of this… Which includes creating the time, space & ability to practice “Creating for Joy” :)
Thanks for sharing my journey!!
Well done sweetie. I love it!
You can do it!! And then help me with all my intentions! :)
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