Saturday, December 19, 2009

Deadline Extension :) Project Continues...

A few days ago, I realized that, so far, I have posted 16 out of 100 items, which leaves 84 more items to post, and my 30 days was almost up!! *** Yikes!! ***

I have MADE several items that have not yet been posted, and there are several items in the works to finish and post.

So, I've decided to *** extend *** the 30 days a bit... Hmmm... I'm thinking of extending it until the end of this year. That sounds good to me right now. :) ...and the idea of extending it seems much nicer than the alternatives---crazily finish it quickly, or abandon the project---and I really don't want to do either of those.

I believe that progress is good when we are working on our "Creative Projects" :) Progress may go forward sometimes, and as a dear friend once told me, sometimes "sideways..." But we should always try to keep it going, if it is something that we want to do.


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