Testing photo placement...
I'd like this photo to be centered on the page...
And I'm hoping that when I PUBLISH the page, it will be...
Centered, that is...
Fingers crossed...
Yesterday, when I posted here, the photos posted too.
The whole blog post was posted twice, somehow, but the photos were there!
I was so excited because recently I've had some issues with
photos not coming out of my camera... (which is another story on it's own)
So, yesterday, after much effort
(and reading the camera book... that was the effort!)
I was soooooo excited that the photos I took came out...
and I posted them here, at my blog...
So... today, when I looked at the page here again,
there were NO photos showing from yesterday!!
Just a big outline of what would have been a photo there...
On *both* spots that I had photos posted yesterday.
So, I re-posted them. But they didn't center.
I tried and I re-tried, but still they would not center.
Flush left.
That's all...
So, I published it anyway...
And now I'm testing it.
Trying to center *these* photos, to see if it will work.
The photos (above and below) are taken of some beads and
projects that are on my studio tables right now.
I've been doing a *lot* of organizing and de-cluttering lately...
Which I plan to share more about (here) in the future.
In the meantime, here's a couple of quickly shot glimpses of my
* Creating *Space* for Joy !! *