I'd really love for this to become a more "interactive" blog... So please post YOUR thoughts and ideas on these topics, too!! :)
Here's a list of questions for prompting:
What are some things that have particularly brought you *Joy* so far this January?
What are some things that bring you *Joy* in general, that you'd like to experience more often, throughout the whole year?
What are some *Joyful* goals and resolutions you'd like to focus on this year? This month? This season?
What are some *Joyful* things you've accomplshed and/or experienced so far this January?
What are some ways you intentionally bring more *Joy* into your life?
*** I will post some of my responses soon... In the meantime, tell us some of yours!! Share YOUR *Joys* !! :)
NOTE: Added photo 1/19/11 ... This is a photo taken New Years Eve, perhaps accidentally... I've chosen it because it reminds me of how the first month of this new year seems to be going by very quickly...