Today, in addition to my "usual" work that’s often done remotely, I "launched" a new management system that I designed for virtual inner-office-communication for my “day job”... As I also did a lot of "other" work... Wrote a newsletter article I was asked to do promoting "creative" pursuits... Cleaned up the kitchen that was out of control from days of neglect... Did some laundry, watered the garden & took some photos... and, SOMEWHERE, in the middle of all this, I totally BURNT lunch… Yep, smoke detector went off and everything… Because I left the room while perhaps having *too*much*going*on*already, yet wanted to balance my checkbook for some reason, right then, and just had to go back to my computer, while the stove was on!!
(***NOTE: this is NOT recommended!!***) 
So, why am I writing about this HERE, you may ask?!
Well, another thing I worked on today was writing/finishing up a few entries for my blog… They’re ready to go, all except for photos. I can’t believe that Summer is on it’s way out, or that it is September already. I have been doing a lot of “Creating for Joy” that I’d love to share here, in addition to a follow-up post to the one I wrote about “Intentions” a couple months ago. (*hint* I’ve been making good progress!!)

So, now that the smoke has cleared (literally!!) from today, and I have a few moments, I’m posting *this* right now… because we all know how long “someday” may take if we don’t get started right now... (And, we also know that I’ve been having “issues” with photos!!) So, again, I will just get started, right now…
Joyfully shared,
(NOTE: I took these photos on a Mid Summer walk... With my iPhone camera (which is the only camera I can independently get photos out of right now!!)