Although it’s been almost a month since I’ve “posted” here, I have been *working* on my blog, I just haven’t been *posting* about it!! I guess I just kept thinking that I would post once more work was done!! Hmmm… Like photos—my biggest hesitation to post my next few posts is because I don’t have corresponding photos yet to post along with the words… But I realize now that I can still go ahead and post anyway… Afterall, one of the purposes of a blog is to “capture the journey”… be it with words, or photos, or both!! ... Aha!!
So, here’s a re-cap of the past 4 weeks or so…
Blog Design/Banner—Changed the format template so that the “blog” part is on the LH side now, and the “info” part is on the RH side now… ***Still working on a Banner/Heading*** … and plan to remove the pink stripe that was embedded in the original template…!!
Blog/Posts—I’ve written some drafts of future posts… and I’ve given a lot of thought to what kind of things I want to include in my blog, and how I want it to relate to my creative business (and to my creative life!!) … and I am really looking forward to sharing the journey with you all…!!
Project—Okay, so, I realized that it would be much more practical, at this time, to change the scope of my project a bit… Instead of being 100 pairs of Earrings, it will be ***100 pieces of Jewelry*** ... This will allow for much more variety, and will also help me to build up inventory in my new online store (more info on that in the next few weeks!!)
Photos—My official jewelry photographer (aka my wonderful boyfriend Chris) has been working hard to capture photos of my work to post on my blog, and in my new on-line shop. This required a whole set-up to get the lighting just right for photos that clearly represent the piece of jewelry in a realistic way… ***Thank You, Chris!!***
And ***Thank You to Denean*** for all of your help and encouragement getting started with my blog!!
And ***Thank You to those of you*** who are following along!!***
- Dawn :)